"We are the first and only Chinese traditional dancing association in Scotland."
Chinese Dance Workshop
China is a vast country with 56 ethnic groups, all with their own styles of dance. You can choose between Ribbon, Handkerchief and Fan Dance: participants are led through key steps and movements, and there is an option to progress to dancing to music in a group performance.
We will be able to provide a wide range of Chinese dance cultural experiences: from school visits to choreography, from cultural space to tailor made workshops and events to suit you specific need.
If you would like to enquire as an individual, please get in touch to find out further details of our next open workshop and register your interest: Contact Us
作为一个五十六个民族的大家庭,中国保留其独特的民族民间舞蹈。 手绢舞,扇子舞,彩绸舞,少数民族舞,古典舞等都可作为课程专题开设教程。从校园访问到演出编舞,从文化小课堂到为客户量身定制的工作坊,GODA 数年来与苏格兰当地学校,教育机构,孔子学院等建立了稳定的合作关系。
如需演出服务及工作坊订制,欢迎来信洽谈。Contact Us